Proud clients
Our clients tend to be quite proud. Proud to eliminate waste and reduce CO2. To work with nature as an inspiration. To deploy innovative materials and tech. To collaborate with social economy. To progress.
Mathias Boels
Innovation Manager Syros
Upcycling avocado pits and peels to produce new ingredients for human consumption.
Sylvia Gilis
Director Citribel
Developping product applications for the co-products of citric acid production.
Annabelle Cassiman
Founder Narture
Turning bread surplus into organice pigment for textile, without any by-product residue.
Nathalie Devriendt
Biomass & Innovation Expert at Pro Natura
Creating materials for bio-based production and entry-level employment, while upcycling green waste.
From waste to revenue, from fossil to bio-based
We’ll help you from A to Z.