Urban BioRefinery
Mapping the urban waste streams of bread and coffee grounds
Powered by Circular Flanders
#upcycling #urbanwastestreams #marketresearch #lessonslearned
Researching urban waste streams made GLIMPS.bio what it is today. Before this project, we focused on fairly small-scale mycelium projects. URB made us see the need for industrial-scale solutions for waste upcycling.
Groundbreaking innovation is exciting and necessary, but we realized that the biggest added value we can bring to the circular economy is doing the leg work that comes after. Figuring out the production process, combing out the business plan, finding logistical solutions, finding the right partners. The world won’t go ‘round on circular showcases alone.
URB was powered by Circular Flanders.
“Having something someone needs is the circular economy enabler. It’s tempting to focus on the supply: what do we need to upcycle? We must avoid the trap of producing materials and products that don’t cater to anyone’s demand.”
— Jasper Bloemen, co-founder, GLIMPS.bio
From waste to revenue,
from fossil to bio-based.
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